AIR QUALITY & COVID-19 (corona virus)
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- By uHoo - fairair
- Posted in Air quality, air quality and corona, airquality and corona, COVID19, Indoor air quality
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Scientists also found that air pollution contributes to the severity of the disease. A nationwide study, conducted by Harvard University, showed that counties in the USA with high levels of air pollution before the COVID-19 crisis have higher death rates (defined as COVID-19 deaths per total population).
Air Quality & COVID-19
COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease compared to its 2003 counterpart, SARS. Its health effects vary among people from having no symptoms at all to having severe respiratory distress. According to CDC reports, people with serious underlying medical conditions are “at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.”
Scientists also found that air pollution contributes to the severity of the disease. A nationwide study, conducted by Harvard University, showed that counties in the USA with high levels of air pollution before the COVID-19 crisis have higher death rates (defined as COVID-19 deaths per total population).
Read the White Paper on the relationship between air quality and viruses.
Levels of the uHoo Virus Index
These levels are determined based on scientific analysis of five air quality factors which include Temperature, Relative Humidity, PM2.5, Carbon Dioxide, and Nitrogen Dioxide.
- Good: COVID-19 survival is low and airborne transmission is unlikely.
- Mild: COVID-19 survival is moderate and airborne transmission is possible but air quality poses little to almost no direct health risk for people not sensitive to air pollution.
- Bad: COVID-19 survival is prolonged and airborne transmission is likely.
- Severe: COVID-19 survival is high and airborne transmission is likely.
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