f'air replacement filters for Ubbink Ubiflux (G3 Filter set of G3+F6 Pollen filterset)

A replacement filter set for Ubbink Ubiflux (MVHR without by-pass) excists of two filters. The filter sets are 2xG3 or 1xG3 + 1XF6 quality and produced by the European EN779 standard.

€9,95 Incl. tax
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Article number: 415237
SKU: WTW-BR1-415237

If you have an Ubbink Ubiflux HRV with By-Pass you need these filters

To check if your system has a by-pass or not measure the filter size. HRV units with by-pass have biger size filters than units without by-pass

  • with by-pass Size = ca. 500x237 mm (L X W)
  • Without by-pass = ca. 415x237 mm (L X W)

Filter specificaties:

  • Incl. VAT
  • 1 set is 2 pcs filters (EN779)
  • 2 filters à ca. 415x237 mm (L x B)

Extra Discounts

  • 5% extra discount when ordering 2 or more products
  • Free shipping for orders over € 125,- 

Replacing Ubbink Ubiflux HRV filters and small maintenaince

The HRV filters for Ubbink Ubiflux are eassy to replace. Please refer to the user manual for easy steps on how to do this. Prevent expensive and complicated maintenance by cleaning your filters and HRV unit with fáir Probiotics. For more information on this revolutionary cleaning process click here.

User manual Ubbink Ubiflux

You can download your Ubbink user manual can be downloaded here. 

Reminder service

Every 6 months we will send you a reminder to check and/or replace your filters. The reminder will also contain details of your last purchase with us and with just one click you can re-order Ubbink ubiflux replacement filters. 

Filter Subscription

With a filter subscription we will automatically send you new filters at agreed intervals (3,4 or 6 months). This way you can be assured of a continuous healthy indoor climate.